Hello YouArmy, Good Morning, Are you a movie/film lover? Me too! So, as a movie fan, you may most probably familiar with the biggest hit films in the world like Avengers End Game, Avatar, or Titanic. They are the top 3 biggest hit movies till today 2020! So, you probably […]
What, Why & How?
Hello Gnees Army, Good Afternoon, See Also: Ortho-diethynylbenzene dianion – Meet the strongest base in the world! Meet the Strongest Acid in the World Ever made – Fluoroantimonic acid. It’s many billion times powerful than our most used concentrated sulfuric acid!! Why it is so powerful? Where it is stored? How dangerous […]
Hello YouArmy, Good Morning, So, At first, you may think what the hell this word is? Did you invert the English word? If it is a word what its parents’ name? I want to know (lol) 😆 😆 Leaving the joke, let’s jump to the point. Why Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the […]
Hello Gnees Army, Good Evening, As of August 2013, Guinness World Records stated that Smokin’ Ed’s Carolina Reaper® is officially the world’s hottest chile pepper. Originally named the “HP22BNH7”, produced by cultivator Ed Currie, who runs PuckerButt Pepper Company in Fort Mill, South Carolina. He plants this hottest pepper variety […]
Hello Gnees Army, Good Morning, Have you ever felt an earthquake? If yes, how powerful it was? In the Richter Scale, it Maybe 3, 4.5, 5.4, or maybe 7.0 magnitude! But ever you felt a 9.5 magnitude earthquake? Hmm, if you outside of South America, I’m pretty sure you may […]
হ্যালো Gnees বাহিনী, সুপ্রভাত, ২০২০ সালে একের পর দুঃসংবাদ, দুঃসময় কাটানোর পর আজ আকাশে একটি অসাধারণ দৃশ্যের সাক্ষী থাকুন। আর সেটা হল সূর্যগ্রহণের ‘আগুনের আংটি’। আফ্রিকা মহাদেশের মতো বিশ্বের কিছু অংশ, এশিয়া পূর্ণগ্রহণ দেখতে সক্ষম হবে, আবার অনেক দেশে কেবলমাত্র একটি আংশিক গ্রহণ দেখতে পারবে। আরও পড়ুনঃ Surjo Grohon: ২০২০ […]
Hello Gnees Army, Good Morning, Amidst the pandemic Coronavirus, a very amazing thing will happen and that is Annular Solar Eclipse. After a penumbral lunar eclipse earlier this month, we are all ready to witness a solar eclipse today (June 21) and sky watchers can observe the ‘ring of fire’ […]
হ্যালো Gnees বাহিনী, শুভ সকাল, Solar and Lunar Eclipse (সূর্যগ্রহন ও চন্দ্রগ্রহন): আমরা অনেকেই সূর্যগ্রহন ও চন্দ্রগ্রহন কবে হবে, কখন হবে এইসব নিয়ে আলোচনা করি। আর আমাদের সমাজের অনেকের মধ্যে এই নিয়ে কুসঙ্কার প্রচলিত যেমন সূর্য গ্রহন এর সময় এক রাক্কস সূর্যকে গিলে খায়, এই সময় বাইরে মোটেই বেরোতে নেই, […]
Hello YouArmy, Good Evening, Not to frustrate you 🙁 , but all fruits contain sugar, they’re higher or lower than each other. People looking to control their sugar consumption quitting or reducing their consumption of soft drinks, chocolate, or sweets. But most of them don’t think about the easiest one […]
Hello YouArmy, Good Afternoon, The journey of the evolution of birds flying Birds are the most unique creatures in the world. While every animal is special in its own way; birds also have the speciality, the ability to fly. Their wings allow them to make long flights. That’s how it […]
Hello YouArmy, Good Morning, You may know that there is always so much discussion about speed. Which supercars are the fastest? Which one set a new record or a new world speed record? But what about the cars at the complete opposite end of this thought!!! Means what’s about the […]
Hello Gnees Army, Good Afternoon, On a Heavy Rainy Day, most of us see the lightning. But do we ever think, can we store that huge electricity from lightning for our daily use? Is it really possible to do it? If it, How can we do it? Today let’s know […]
Hello YouArmy, Good Morning, Happy New Year 2022!!! Wish your loved ones and colleagues a warm welcome of New Year Eve through this amazing image collection: Happy New Year 2022 Love Images for Couples & Lovers 25+ Beautiful Happy New Year 2022 Images Happy New Year 2022 Wishes Image for […]
Hello Gnees Army, Good Morning, Have you ever wondered how time on a computer is tracked? How time on your computer always be the same as the current world time? Today Let’s know about this! Here we go… Well, the time in computers is tracked by an IC called Real-Time-Clock […]